President Message
Greetings RCAEOP FAMILY!!! Thank you so much for entrusting me as your President for the 2024-2025 school year. I hope your school year is off to a fantastic beginning as you settle into a new academic year. I am eager to work closely with the esteemed members of our organization to achieve our shared objectives and goals. I encourage each one of you to actively participate, share your ideas, and contribute your expertise. To our new members, we welcome you into our family. I hope that you’re able to gain so many positive experiences as I have; and you grow professionally as well as on a personal level. Being a part of RCAEOP will place you on a path of networking and developing skills needed for the workplace. As members of this association, let’s take RCAEOP to a new level. The time has come to advance our personal and professional growth through training, networking and collaboration - ALL essential elements making this office professionals association outstanding. I appreciate everyone who has accepted the challenge to join or chair one of our many awesome committees. Thank you members for your continued participation and enthusiasm in our professional organization, and for your incredible support and advice. Remember, each one of you are a vital link in RCAEOP and together nothing is IMPOSSIBLE. Andrena McFdden 2023-2024 RCAEOP President #rcaeopstrong |
"As we face the future, nothing is Impossible"